About Us

Truism Technologies began as a business and technology consulting company in early 2012 when it conducted a series of Trainings in various different modules of SAP. Currently Truism Technologies consultants are serving in fortune 500 companies. They are working in various different industry domains and in different IT technologies.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be one of the world's leading education and training institution. We provide excellent customer service in next-generation IT technologies that helps them to become global associates. We are committed to provide latest education and effective training to be successful in the global market.

Our Vision

Our vision is to educate, inspire, and serve all who seek to enhance their skillset and become the global associates. We will design and create processes and service platform that maximize the IT training and consulting work. We will focus on the future and the latest next generation IT technologies. Our focus is to be the most customer-centric company, where students and clients find the best trainings and consultants. We want to expand our services across the globe.